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How to choose a PHP framework to learn

18.05.2021 at 22:54

Hey! Today I want to talk about how long I could not decide on the choice of a framework to study and how Google Trends helped me with this. At the moment, I have been writing in PHP for a little more than six months and managed to work with several projects on self-written engines / frameworks. They were all pretty good, but they were still sharpened for the specific needs of the projects. Now I wanted to learn something universal, flexible, able to adapt to the needs of other projects. And a good framework, according to my more experienced colleagues, helps to build the correct architecture and unwittingly teaches you to do it without a framework later.

What was the difficulty? It would seem, read review articles, comparisons, and choose what you want. However, most of them contained an overview of two frameworks - Yii2 and Symfony. At the same time, the conclusions said that both can be safely studied, each has both advantages and disadvantages. Well, here it became interesting for me to look at the statistics of the real use of these frameworks. After all, what, if not the popularity of use by programmers, can say about the quality of a software product. And then I turned up a link to a tool from Google - Google Trends. This service allows you to compare the popularity of two entities based on search queries.

Well, I typed in 2 queries that interest me - Yii2 and Symfony, and I saw that, generally speaking, both frameworks are slowly becoming more popular.

Symfony vs yii2

When choosing a technology to study, it is worth considering regional characteristics.

18.05.2021 at 22:54
About the author of the project
Artyom Ivashkevich
Artyom Ivashkevich
I have been fond of programming for over 10 years. In my spare time, I write articles about development and teach programming to other people because I just love it. If you're curious about how I got there, read the story of how I became a programmer.
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